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Planning Board Minutes 12/20/04

        Minutes of the December 20, 2004 Meeting of the Greenfield Planning Board

The meeting opened at 7:00 p.m. with members Cernota, Marshall, O’Connell, Rainier and alternate member Pennoyer in attendance.  Minutes of 12/13 were read and approved with the following changes:  paragraph 2, last line, add “on the back of the lots where wetlands are.”  Under the preliminary conceptual consultation, end of 3rd sentence, add “on their lot on Muzzey Hill Road.”  Under the Kokal consultation change 2 a to 2a.

Meeting with Peter Hopkins

Peter brought in a copy of a proposed amendment on updating the Greenfield Building Codes.  The intent of the article is to keep the Greenfield Building codes updated annually to the most recently published codes as published by the listed agencies.  We need to repeal the original building code from 1996 and 2004 and replace it with the proposed amendment.  Atty. Teague has been consulted on the wording.

Consultation with Carol Ogilvie

Carol came in to discuss growth management with us. The Greenfield Zoning Ordinance Section VIII is concerned with impact fees.  The Planning Board is authorized to assess impact fees but we have no idea how to determine the assessment. This is a crucial part of the ordinance and is very difficult to determine.  If we collect fees and the money is not spent within 6 years, we must return the money with interest.  We could have a professional help us but this would be expensive.  For a town the size of Peterborough, Carol estimated that a study would cost about $15,000. Carol said that Manchester has a handbook on assessment which we might find useful and suggested that we inquire about getting a copy.

Carol passed out copies of a report she had done as of 2002 entitled Status of Growth Management in New Hampshire.  Phased development is easier to use and safer from a challenge point of view.  Growth management is riskier to back up.  If we felt the need to limit growth, we should canvass the local area to see how many permits are being issued to see if we are giving out more permits.  We can put in temporary interim growth management for a year if we exceed other local towns.  Then we can use this time to study the situation and take action.  Peter Hopkins reported that he has issued 16 certificates of occupancy this year versus 14 last year.  Carol suggested the following steps:

·       Think about interim growth management if we have justification.
·       Phased development s safest to adapt but this must be adopted.  
·       We need to make up a fact-finding list of unusual circumstance such as no mapping for aquifers, water problems, etc.

We also looked at Reg 674:36 for the definition of “scattered and premature”.  Our meeting with Carol ended at 8:20 p.m.

Reports from board members

Bob reported that Steve Seigars will not be available for a few months.  Jean Cernota will be away for 3 months after the first of the year.  

Bob also reported that he had called Susan Slack from the Municipal Association on the Kokal hearing.  Susan said that the Selectmen should have a hearing on the excavation since we have no authority.  The Kokals were able to meet with the Selectmen on December 16th.  The Kokals, Kris Stewart and Duffy Fox were present.

Bob found a new copy of the proposed town budget in the box but the entries for our file cabinet, maps and air conditioner have disappeared.  Bob will request that these be added back at the next budget meeting.

Peter Hopkins has asked for a regulation on certified plot plans.  We will talk with him at the January 10 meeting about this.  Kevin O’Connell would like the board to look at contiguous acreage requirement for determining lot size and wetlands.

Duffy Fox has given Bob the dimensions for a hammerhead which Bob has given to Kevin.  Kevin will try to have the drawings for the Subdivision Regulations ready by the next meeting.  Then the board can review the new Regulations in early February for any corrections or additions.  The board also will look at the list of things to do which we had made up for this year to see how much needs to be done.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m.

Jean Cernota